Bear Creek Cemetery Row 23
Stone 1 Kenneth and Thelma HUFFMAN
Stone 2 Max Vernon HUFFMAN
Stone 3 John and Mary GREEN
Stone 4 Ethel May STURP
Stone 5 Jack LEWIS
Stone 6 Ralph and Eileen BURNWORTH
Stone 7 Henry and Adaline SMITH
Stone 8 Jacob SUMMERS
Stone 9 Hiram YOST
Stone 10 Mary Karns HURST
Stone 11 John and Harriett WOODS
Stone 12 Bertha WOODS
Stone 13 Marion and Virgie POTTER
Stone 14 Oscar and India POTTER
Stone 15 Sater and Mary POTTER
Stone 16 Winifred HARPER
Stone 17 Alta GILMORE
Stone 18 Nathan GILMORE
Stone 19 Phil KEYS, Jane Keys, Rick Keys
Stone 20 Richard KEYS
Stone 21 Donnie KEYS
Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17